Monthly Archives: September 2017

Banned for Exposing Ukraine-Clinton Collusion!

Pathetic, militant liberals have censored me again. This time for exposing their double standard on political collusion.

While watching a CNN live feed on YouTube on September 6, 2017, I participated in the accompanying chat where liberals were freely attacking Trump and conservatives with baseless personal insults and allegations of wrong doing, including dredging up their tired Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy. I pointed out that no proof exists to support their conspiracy. Even some of the most fervent anti-Trump media organizations, which were once unanimous in promoting the conspiracy, have had to give space to token dissent among their ranks, including the Washington Post and New York Times. California Rep. Adam Schiff similarly admits there is no “proof you could take to a jury.” Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified under oath that there is “no evidence” collusion took place. James Comey also denounced suggestions of collusion during his testimony, and was critical of a New York Times’ fake news article claiming collusion took place.

Make no mistake, despite this token dissent and no evidence, the collusion conspiracy is still rampant among liberals as you can witness, for example, here, here, here. Ironically, evidence actually shows Clinton was the one colluding with a foreign country, Ukraine, to undermine Trump, but this has been either ignored, minimized or hypocritically defended by liberals, including politicians and the media. Some examples of this can be found here, here, herehere, and here.

Liberals could not refute me with evidence of their own so they predictably started attacking me personally, calling me all sorts of derogatory names and alleging that I was either lying, propagating a debunked assertion or a Russian stooge. No, liberals, I am not lying, it has not been debunked and I am nobody’s stooge. I supported my contention by referencing a Politico article by Kenneth Vogel and David Stern which reports that undermining Trump was a top priority of Ukraine’s government. The Ukrainians’ efforts involved, among other things, spreading fake news, including a story accusing a leading Trump assistant of corruption, which these Ukrainian officials were allegedly investigating, but from which they backpedaled post election, and providing the Clinton campaign and media with information it deemed damaging to Clinton’s opponents.

DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa admits meeting with officials at the Ukrainian Embassy to obtain information on Trump and his top aides at the time, specifically Paul Manafort. Chalupa says the Embassy provided guidance when she needed answers “or if there was someone I needed to follow up with.” She admits “the embassy also worked directly with reporters…to point them in the right directions” on Trump-related investigations. Find more information about this here, here, here, here, here and here.

The truth could not be tolerated! Moderators are supposed to be mature, impartial observer weeding out spammers, trolls and generally those disrupting the chat. In this case, the moderator, some intellectually inept, overly sensitive liberal snowflake named Jacey, proved herself incompetent to be moderator by throwing a childish temper tantrum, calling me a “stupid Trump supporter” (apparently for believing the evidence) and banning me. When you can’t counter someone’s argument or evidence, just call them names and, when you can, censor/ban them…that’ll show them who is right. No wonder liberals keep losing elections. LOL

Here’s the screen grab of the incident.

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Posted by on September 8, 2017 in Uncategorized


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